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Showing posts from June, 2014

US Supreme Court decisions : Twitter tool plays detective

From Gigaom - An interesting article about the US Supreme Court changing its decisions after publication.  Someone has come up with the technology to alert others of the changes via Twitter. Summary: The Supreme Court has long made surreptitious changes to its opinions without telling anyone.  In response, a coder has created a tool that flags and publicizes those changes. Remember if you are interested in finding out more about Twitter come along to the ALLA (WA) event on Tuesday, 8 July at Jackson McDonald (12.45pm to 2pm). Thanks to Lisa Webb for this contribution.

Belinda ventures forth with journal at the ready

After an 8-year absence, Belinda Eisenhauer returned to Durban in South Africa.  Despite bypassing the usual tourist spots in favour of spending time with relatives and friends, she did not neglect to have a couple of photos taken with the Australian Law Librarian .  Belinda thanks Lei Lin for the loan of the now well-travelled journal.

Wanted : new blood, new ideas, new enthusiasm

We are seeking nominations for office bearers and other positions on the ALLA (WA) Committee for 2014-2015.  Positions will be elected at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 6 August. Please contact Megan Fitzgibbons - - for a copy of the nomination form.  Our current President, Mawghan Elverd - - is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding joining the Committee. We encourage you to join the team providing support and services to the law librarian network in Western Australia.