ALLA in Indonesia and Italy I’ve been on a trip to Jakarta and Italy. My first stop was in Jakarta where I caught up with my brother and his family. A trip to the Museum Wayang, presented a photo opportunity with a puppet that is representative of Jakarta.  Museum Wayang, Jakarta The next part of my trip took me to Lecco, Italy where the World Junior Ultimate Championships were being held. OK, if you haven’t heard of Ultimate it is frisbee! That’s right, it is a sport not just something you throw around down at the park. My daughter, Kirra was a member of the Australian U19 team, Terra. The game is played without referees, and there is an emphasis on sportsmanship while still being competitive. At the end of each game spirit awards are given, Terra introduced their opponents to the taste of vegemite, and most were disgusted.  Australia v New Zealand team photo (Kirra is at the back, 7th from the right) After the championship, I had a few days to explore Italy. I spent...
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