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Showing posts from November, 2019

WA legislation and creative commons

From the Hansard of 13 November 2019, we have a report of a significant development in Western Australian legislation and its future use by the legal profession in Western Australia. The relevant passage can be found on the WA Parliament website (page 8830 of 2019)  and is excerpted below. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LEGISLATION WEBSITE — COPYRIGHT  Statement by Attorney General MR J.R. QUIGLEY (Butler — Attorney General) [12.03 pm]: I rise to inform the house of a change to the way that copyright applies to WA legislation and the WA legislation website. In June last year, while second reading the Legislation Bill 2018, I flagged my intention to consider relaxing the current approach, which is quite conservative and restrictive compared with other jurisdictions, such as the commonwealth, Queensland, South Australia and the United Kingdom. These jurisdictions take a more open approach to the re-use of legislative data. Their legislation websites are covered by what is kn...

ALLA(WA) Christmas breakfast 2019

The ALLA(WA) committee invites all ALLA(WA) members to a free breakfast at Miss Maud on Thursday 5th December 2019. We hope you can all make it. Please see the invitation below for more details.  Non-ALLA(WA) members are very welcome to come and celebrate with us as well but they will have to pay for the breakfast.  

New look DoJ Law Library website now live

The new look of the Department of Justice's Law Library website went live today: https://dojwa.ent.sirsidynix. The  link is also available on the  Department’s website . The website includes links to free resources where available, as well as the library catalogue. Services marked with a padlock symbol are only accessible from onsite within the library.