Did you miss the first ever #ALLATweetUp last Wednesday afternoon? The topic of discussion was What does innovation in law libraries look like to you? Questions discussed were: The word innovation has been thrown around a lot recently. What does law library innovation mean to you? What opportunities do you think law libraries have to innovate within their orgs? Is it real or buzz? Do you think the legal industry IS innovating? What do you think are the key elements for effective implementation of innovation in law libraries or the legal industry? What do you think are the roadblocks (if any) to innovation in law libraries? What role do you see library and information professionals hold in legal innovation more generally? How can we as library and information professionals promote, support and encourage innovation within our organisations? ALLA Ltd has put together a great Storify of all the action and we've embedded it below. If you have any ideas that y...
General news and discussion from the WA Division of the Australian Law Librarians' Association