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Showing posts from June, 2021

Conference Fellowships and Bursaries for ALLA Members - Deadline Extended!

The application deadline for ALLA National Conference Fellowships has been extended to close of business, Friday 2 July 2021. Full details can be found in our past blog post .  ALLA (WA) Members An ALLA (WA) Bursary for the ALLA Conference 2021 will be advertised following the announcement of the ALLA National fellowship recipients. The ALLA (WA) Committee wishes all applicants the best of luck. 

Farewell to the Blog's Email Updates

With Feedburner no longer supporting email subscriptions to new posts on the ALLA (WA) Blog from tomorrow - this will be our farewell email update!  Even without the email subscription service, the ALLA (WA) Blog will continue, and as soon as an alternative becomes available, we will let you know.  As discussed earlier this month in the Keeping Up with the ALLA (WA) Blog post , there are a number of ways of keeping up to date with the Blog: follow us on Twitter @lawlibsWA  follow us on Facebook @lawlibsWA subscribe to the ALLA (WA) Blog 's RSS Feed - you will find this option in the right menu.  Key messages for ALLA (WA) members will be continue to be emailed directly to you, but not all of the tips and tricks shared through the ALLA (WA) Blog  (and  Facebook  and  Twitter ) Not a member? Why not join us!

Purchasing Western Australian Print Legislation

Starting on 1 July 2021, printed copies of WA legislation will no longer be available for purchase from the State Law Publisher (SLP). The Government Printer of Western Australia has authorised commercial printing company LitSupport (TIMG) Pty Ltd to supply printed copies of WA legislation. A new facility that links directly from the WA legislation website to LitSupport’s online ordering system streamlines the process of ordering printed copies of WA legislation. To find out more about how the new online ordering process works, see the Western Australian Legislation website - About buying printed Western Australian legislation .

Conference Bursaries and Fellowships for ALLA Members

ALLA National Conference Fellowships for ALLA members are now available!! Overseas Virtual Law Conferences ALLA Ltd is offering fellowships for attending selected overseas virtual conferences for law librarians. In 2021, ALLA Ltd is pleased to offer: Two fellowships to cover the cost of online registration for each of the overseas conferences below.(Please note the local times of overseas conference program offerings because the sessions may not be recorded for later viewing by conference registrants.) AALL (American Association of Law Libraries) – July 19 - 21  IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions) – August 17 – 19  NZLLA (New Zealand Law Librarians’ Association) – August 23 – 27T IALL (International Association of Law Libraries)  â€“ October, 2021 The Petal Kinder Memorial IALL fellowship, which is funded by the Australian Law Librarian will pay the online registration fee for one ALLA member to attend the 2021 virtual IALL conference....

Putting Out Feelers : Job Opportunities

The below is a message posted on behalf of Deb Harvey, Librarian, Legal Aid Library and Information Service.  Judy and I have decided that it is time to retire from Legal Aid. Judy is proposed to go first, closely followed by myself. Initially we will both be on Long Service Leave and then retirement.  I wondered if there was anyone out in the legal library community who would be interested in these positions or to know of anyone else with legal library experience. If you would like to contact me you may on 92616268 or email . Deb Harvey

ALLA eBook Survey

The Australian Law Librarians' Association (ALLA) has put together a survey focusing on eBooks and legal publishers - what you love about them, and what you don't love about them. Responses are due by COB, Monday 14 June 2021 . Your contributions will be instrumental in shaping ALLA's submissions to vendors. Please note - The survey is long, but you can stop at any time and pick up where you left off.  Your responses will be saved as you progress. To get detailed responses, the survey has been organized by publisher, but you don't need to respond to all questions. They are hoping to collect as many responses as possible and are looking forward to all feedback received.  ALLA members can see more information about the survey on the ALLA website, COVID-19 Vendor Response .

Excited for a Bill about Bills

"Excited for a Bill about Bills? That's like getting excited about the Acts Interpretation Act!" Keen followers of Western Australian legislation, would be pleased to see the progress of the Legislation Bill 2021 (WA) pass through the Third Reading in the Legislative Assembly yesterday. (Long time readers would remember this post from 2018 ). Even keener followers of Hansard would have noticed the Attorney General, John Quigley provides a summary of the Bill:  The bill proposes to modernise the processes for publishing WA legislation. It will enact a new Legislation Act that sets out the responsibilities for publishing WA legislation, provide for the official status of both hard copy and electronic versions of WA legislation and give the PCO a more useful set of editorial powers so that WA legislation can be kept up-to-date, modernised and simplified, and errors corrected, without the need for the changes to be enacted by Parliament. Important restrictions on the exercis...

Keeping Up with the ALLA (WA) Blog

The email subscription service the ALLA (WA) Blog uses, Feedburner, is being switched off by Google in July 2021.  This means if you have previously subscribed to receive our newest posts via email, you will stop receiving them.  Don't worry, you still have a number of ways to keep up to date:  follow us on Twitter  @lawlibsWA  follow us on  Facebook  @lawlibsWA subscribe to the ALLA (WA) Blog 's RSS Feed - you will find this option in the right menu.  Key messages for ALLA (WA) members will be continue to be emailed directly to you, but not all of the tips and tricks shared through the ALLA (WA) Blog . Not a member? Why not join us !

New ALLA ANZ Email List

The ALLA ANZ emailing list (previously ) has migrated to a new email platform.  Please use the new email to post to everyone on the list going forward: To subscribe or unsubscribe, use the following link: The list is administered by the ALLA List Moderator and is governed by a  Code of Conduct .