All members of the Western Australian Library sector are invited to attend this all day professional development event. Organised as a joint project by representatives from LIS within WA including, ALIA West, ALLA (WA), WASLA, ALIA ARL WA, ALIA HLA, WALTG, TAFE WA Learning Resources Services Network, CURTIS, and with special thanks to the State Library of Western Australia. This event will offer attendees the chance to improve cross sector networking, by getting together, discussing and exploring what we all how in common and how we can all positively influence our changing profession. The day will earn ALIA members 6 points for the ALIA PD scheme and include: Guest Speakers Dr Carmen Lawrence, formed Premier of Western Australia and Jennefer Nicholson, former Secretary General of IFLA Workshops and Discussion Panels Speed Networking and Laughing Yoga Library Leadership: A Celebration will be held at the State Library of Western Australia on Friday 19th of ...
What a great idea Deb! Very imaginative. I'm trying to work out how I can get someone to laser cut into some law reports for me to create something arty. We have to do something with the paper history.
ReplyDeleteWe've just decorated... don't think our attempts can compare with a law report Christmas tree!.. Its beautiful!