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October CPD's for ALLA Members

Creating Engaging Online Content for Library Users: Introducing Kahoot! and Padlet

Thursday 7 October 11.00am (AWST)

Michelle Clarke from K&L Gates and Anastasia Stepanovic from the University of Melbourne will share their knowledge of Kahoot! and Padlet, two free platforms that have helped them create engaging online content for library users.

Register online: NOTE: This event is open to ALLA members only, please have your membership number with you when you register.

As online learning replaces face to face library sessions, librarians may find themselves looking for affordable options to create interesting course content.  In this session two experienced librarians share their knowledge of Kahoot! and Padlet.

Kahoot! is a widely used cloud-based tool to create and deliver teaching and testing quizzes. It’s used in educational institutions as an online game-based learning platform and includes a free component. In this online session Michelle Clarke from K&L Gates will take you through a practice Kahoot! before showing the software’s back end functionalities available to content creators. Just come along and have your mobile or other internet enabled device with you to participate.

Padlet is a free collaborative web platform that enables instructors and participants to upload, organise, and share content to virtual bulletin boards (padlets) in real time.  Users can post notes with links, videos, images and document files, enabling virtual collaboration and transforming the way feedback can be obtained from training sessions.
Anastasia Stepanovic from the University of Melbourne, will demonstrate the Padlet platform, showing you the benefits of incorporating it in your work environment.  

Legal Informatics: What is it and why does it matter?

Tuesday 19 October, 11.00am (AWST)

Eliah Castiello. a Research Fellow at the Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness will draw on his variety of legal publishing experiences to educate us about the wonderful world of legal informatics.

The coming sesssion will explore this field, delving into what legal informatics actually is, and why it is so important. It is an introduction to the evolving relationship between law and data that draws on examples from the digitisation of legislation and case law, examines United Nations efforts to standardise digitisation languages and addresses the primary concerns these efforts are trying to overcome. While legal informatics is naturally entwined with information technology and computer sciences, the coming talk will be focused on the need, programs and outcomes of the growing field of legal informatics. 

Register online: NOTE: This event is open to ALLA members only, please have your membership number with you when you register.

About the Presenter:
Eliah Castiello is a Research Fellow at the Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness, focused primarily on projects such as the development of a new web-based platform for statelessness research and production of the Statelessness & Citizenship Review, the first academic journal to focus solely on the issue of statelessness. He holds a BA(CJA)(Hons) and BSocSc from RMIT University and JD from the University of Melbourne. 

Eliah has a particular interest in legal informatics, the digitisation of law and the presentation of legal information. His research is directed at examining the digital representation of law in the ASEAN region. His current project with the Centre involves developing the basis for an online repository for statelessness and citizenship law in India.

Eliah balances his time at the Centre with his role as President and Co-Founder of the Comparative ASEAN Animal Law Library (CAALL), an online repository of animal law in South East Asia.
The storage, processing, retrieval and presentation of data has never more been at the forefront of the modern zeitgeist. In the legal sphere, these considerations are explored under the broad discipline heading of ‘legal informatics’. As most aspects of human society are now in a constant state of information digitisation, legal frameworks both domestic and international face the challenge of keeping pace.


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