ALLA Members are invited to attend a CPD session on "Searching JADE: An advanced look under the hood".
ALLA is proud to present Isabella Elena Carrozzi. Isabella is JADE and The Victorian Report's Paralegal. Isabella will present on "Searching JADE - An advanced look under the hood". Topics covered include:
- Filter your search using JADE’s Advanced Search features and focus matches.
- View case law and legislation citations at paragraph and section level using JADE Clips and set up JADE Alerts.
- Take a tour of the My JADE Library to store your documents and customize your legal research.
- Search repealed legislation and compare amendments with Legislation Visualisations.
- Annotate, create tags, export and share documents on JADE with clients and colleagues.
- Ask any questions relating to JADE’s legal research functionality, and learn how you get can customized editorial help from JADE
About the Presenter
Isabella Elena Carrozzi is a third year Law and Commerce student at The University of New South Wales. Isabella is a Paralegal for JADE, Little William Bourke and the Victorian Reports whereby she is responsible for the training and development of JADE users, legal technology innovations, student engagement, social media, and recently, the Founder and Host of The Lawfluent Podcast, powered by Open Law.Isabella is also currently seconded to NSW Treasury in their Office of General Counsel innovating their processes of amending statutes, she is a Director of the UNSW Law Society, and has prior experience being the Paralegal and Legal Research Lead for 16 Barristers at Alinea Chambers, Sydney.
When: Wednesday 17 August 2002, 11.00 AM Perth Time
Cost: Free to ALLA members, join us if you are interested
Hashtag: #allasearchprofessionals
Delivery: Via Zoom
Registeration Details: ALLA Members will have recieved an email containing registration details, via the ALLA-ANZ Google Groups list, and the ALLA-WA List Serv
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