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Meet the ALLA(WA) Committee: Megan Fitzgibbons

Here at the ALLA(WA) Blog, we are taking the chance to help members to get to know their Committee a bit better.

Introducing: ALLA(WA) Secretary Megan Fitzgibbons, Librarian (Law Library) at the University of Western Australia.

1. Who is a hero who has inspired you in your career?

 I’ve met lots of heroic librarians, but I must mention the late Norman Horrocks, an eminent statesman of LIS who has inspired and mentored many librarians across the world.

2. What is the proudest moment in your professional life?

I’m very proud whenever a student or faculty member tells me that I’ve made a real difference for them. Those thank yous mean a lot!

3. Career advice – what’s your top tip?

To be successful, I think that you need to position yourself to let good things happen. That means: put yourself out there, be engaged, be a contributor rather than an observer.

4. What’s your favourite legal research tool?

Legify is pretty nifty for finding legislation quickly. I also love encyclopedias.

5. If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be?

Studying Japanese. Oh, should it be a work-related project? I would love to spend time doing a research study on how librarians can demonstrate their value to their organisations and communities.

6. Librarian cliché: What is your favourite book? (Or one of your favourite books?)

Mutiny on the Bounty

7. What sound do you love?

Waves lapping against the side of a boat, while I’m sailing to dream land.


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