Legal history buffs may want to have a look at a new website dedicated to celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. From the site:
“The global event to which the whole world is invited:
The 800th anniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta will be a commemoration of national and international significance. Due to its central place in English history and its impact across the world, a wide range of events and activities are being planned. From specially commissioned BBC documentaries and books, to academic conferences, public exhibitions, local community events and a Magna Carta tourism trail, there will be hundreds of exciting events announced on this website. To keep informed about what is being planned, join the Magna Carta 800th mailing list.”
The Magna Carta turns 800 years old on 15 June 2015. It's a global celebration, with the influence of the Magna Carta found in many legal systems all over the world. Take a look at how non-British countries such as the United States are celebrating on the NPR blog.
How will you celebrate?
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